Wednesday, March 5, 2014

well, shit.

I don't really know where to start but let's just get some things out of the way:
1. My last post was in 2012
2. It is now March 2014.
3. Oops.

Genuinely though, I am the world's worst person and don't even know what happened to life but I found it again and am back on the blogging bandwagon! I am sorry beyond words for abandoning this space, especially when my last entry was anticipating an upcoming series of posts focusing on womanhood and how damn awesome we all are. I don't have an excuse at all so I won't bore you with rambles but I will say this; One cannot give advice and/or support on getting your shit together when ones own shit is not together. So that is that, I apologise again, let's all hug and make up. Peace and love, children.

Moving far far forward, let's catch up. 2013 came and went pretty fast (really though...whatthefuck). For me it was a year of change and readjustment, all for the better. As a quick recap; My parents and older sister moved to Melbourne and I moved out of the unit I was in and am now a lot closer to the city but also within walking distance from the beach. It really is the best of both worlds. I also fell back in love with long distance running and healthy eating which in turn caused me to lose all the weight I gained after high school, get back into shape and begin feeling like myself again. So all in all, although it wasn't all smooth sailing and sunshine and rainbows, 2013 ended on a high note and set me up to welcome the new year fresh.

2014 has been amazing so far and I am so excited to come back into the blogging world with a positive perspective and give it all I have. You'll have noticed that all my old posts have been deleted, I did this because I truly want to up the quality of my posts and really invest time into what I put out there for you to read and, for me, doing a spring-clean of sorts and starting fresh was the best way to start.

So, what to expect of me this year?! I want to do a lot more lifestyle posts, including the infamously undelivered promise of the "heck yeah girl power, we're all babes, yay women!" post. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, which I can understand seeing as it was a solid 18 months ago, let me refresh your memory. I plan to do a series of posts focusing on the power of womanhood and embracing just how awesome it is to be a woman today. It's all about self-awareness and taking pride in how you present yourself, not to please others, but to please yourself and feel like a million dollars every day (except Sundays...we don't talk about Sundays). I'll also touch on getting your life in order so you are one step ahead of the boss and never feel like you're in shambles. My other lifestyle posts will include healthy recipes, exercises, and just my personal updates with life in general.
On top of that I'll also obviously have all my beauty-related posts like usual.

Alright, ladies! That is it from me for now, but I am so extremely excited to be back. Please don't hate me, let's be a cute lil happy family. 

xo - C.J